




主要研究方向为遗传性出生缺陷和药物基因组学:1. 完成了遗传性对称性色素异常症、泛发性色素异常症、屈侧网状色素异常、Angelman综合征、家族性胸主动脉瘤、痣样基底细胞癌综合征等50多个家系的致病基因识别,发现2个新的色素代谢调节基因和一个新的髓鞘发育调控基因。2. 研究了CYP2C9等重要药物代谢酶的遗传多态性及其在不同民族中的分布规律,在此基础上构建了相对完善的重要药物代谢酶的中国人群遗传多态性数据库,为根据药物代谢酶的基因型实施个体化治疗提供了技术支撑和理论基础。3. 进行了重要抗精神病药物利培酮的药物遗传学研究。4. 建立了国内领先的皮肤严重药物不良反应资源样本库,已收集诱发药物明确的样品1000多例,先后研究了11种药物诱发严重皮肤不良反应的遗传学机制,其中卡马西平、别嘌呤醇、柳氮磺胺吡啶、醋甲唑胺、克林霉素、丹参酮等药物检测到了风险等位基因,OR值从7.2到1974.0不等,并开发出了HLA-B*58:01和HLA-B*15:02的临床检测试剂盒。先后主持完成了国家863课题、国家973课、上海市科委重大研计划项目、以及国家自然基金面上项目2项,国家自然基金重大研究计划培育项目1项,国家自然基金委与美国NIH合作资助项目1项。另外,作为骨干参与973项目3项,上海市重大研究计划项目1项。到目前为止,已在Am J Hum Genet、Hum Genet、Pharmacogenomics J 、Neuropsychopharmacology 、J Invest Dermatol等国际SCI期刊发表SCI论文85篇,申请专利4项。


Identification and surgical repair of familial thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection caused by TGFBR1 mutation.
Ann Vasc Surg. 2014 Nov;28(8):1909-12. doi: 10.1016/j.avsg.2014.07.013. Epub 2014 Aug 7.
HLA-B*58:01 allele is associated with augmented risk for both mild and severe cutaneous adverse reactions induced by allopurinol in Han Chinese.
Pharmacogenomics. 2012 Jul;13(10):1193-201. doi: 10.2217/pgs.12.89.
Clinical features and mismatch repair genes analyses of Chinese suspected hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer: a cost-effective screening strategy proposal.
Cancer Sci. 2008 Apr;99(4):770-80. doi: 10.1111/j.1349-7006.2008.00737.x. Epub 2008 Feb 27.
Association between a polymorphism of the HTR3A gene and therapeutic response to risperidone treatment in drug-naive Chinese schizophrenia patients.
Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2008 Aug;18(8):721-7. doi: 10.1097/FPC.0b013e32830500e2.
Association of AKT1 gene polymorphisms with risk of schizophrenia and with response to antipsychotics in the Chinese population.
J Clin Psychiatry. 2007 Sep;68(9):1358-67.
Response of risperidone treatment may be associated with polymorphisms of HTT gene in Chinese schizophrenia patients.
Neurosci Lett. 2007 Feb 27;414(1):1-4. Epub 2007 Feb 6.
Serum prolactin levels, plasma risperidone levels, polymorphism of cytochrome P450 2D6 and clinical response in patients with schizophrenia.
J Psychopharmacol. 2007 Nov;21(8):837-42. Epub 2007 Aug 22.
Association of DRD2 polymorphisms and chlorpromazine-induced extrapyramidal syndrome in Chinese schizophrenic patients.
Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2006 Aug;27(8):966-70.
[Association study between NPY and YWHAH gene polymorphisms and schizophrenia].
Yi Chuan Xue Bao. 2005 Dec;32(12):1235-40. Chinese.
Association analysis of polymorphisms in the upstream region of the human dopamine D4 receptor gene in schizophrenia.
Schizophr Res. 2003 Dec 1;65(1):9-14.